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LED ball bubble lamp point glue

Soft light zone is also called the flexible article LED lights, is to use FPC do PCB assembly, encapsulated with the patch (SMD) of high brightness LED as light source, three lamp for each unit, every 50 cm for the length of a large unit...

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LED Wall Washer

Industry introduction:LED wash wall lamp, as the name implies, let the light resemble water to wash metope, main

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LED point light source glue

Soft light zone is also called the flexible article LED lights, is to use FPC do PCB assembly, encapsulated with the patch (SMD) of high brightness LED as light source, three lamp for each unit, every 50 cm for the length of a large unit...

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LED Soft Strip Light Silicone Extrusion Production Line

Industry is introduced: soft light zone is also called the flexible article LED lights, is to use FPC do PCB

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